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For Mothers & Supporters

Finding out that your child, partner, or friend was sexually abused can feel overwhelming. You may find yourself experiencing strong emotions and even physical distress. 

"Even when she is in times of stress, when she is fighting her own demons, when she is beyond exhausted both mentally and physically, nothing will stop her from finding the strength she needs to do for her children what she needs to get done."

Cherry Blossoms

PAXA: Parents Against Child Sex Abuse

Curriculum, Advocacy, Resources

Non-profit dedicated to empowering parents to protect their children from sexual abuse.


P.A.X.A. has created parent-focused curriculum design to address foundational information about predatory behaviors. The organization also hosts the Conversation Program, a quarterly workshop held online to support parents and other adults who work with children. 

Daily Strength Support Groups

Many many support groups available

This link will take you to the support group for "Parents who's children have been sexually abused"

Hidden Water Circle

Various healing circle groups

A restorative justice approach with 4 different healing "circles" that meet weekly (those harmed as a child; those who caused harm; non-offending parents/caregivers; and partners/friends). 

MOSAC: Mothers of Sexually Abused Children

Information, Resources and Support

This resource was one of the first ones I came across a few years ago and at that time was the only one specifically focused on supporting mothers of sexually abused children. As a licensed therapist, Dr. Langston provides information on disclosure, legal process, the physical and emotional impact on mothers and so much more.

What Do I Do Now? Survival Guide for Mothers

Book by MOSAC founder

Eight chapters address mothers' feelings, child sexual abuse information, effects of disclosure, reporting and the legal system dealing with especially difficult situations, emotional support, safety strategies, and healing and recovery. The Appendix includes education, prevention, intervention, legal and reporting resources, and selected books and films.

5 Waves and Sibling Sexual Trauma

Resources and Information Specific to SSA

If your child or partner was abused by a sibling or peer, be sure to check out 5 Waves and Sibling Sexual Trauma (which is a project of There is so much information for survivors and parents. 

TAALK: Talk About Abuse to Liberate Kids

Training, Resources and Support

This page, for Parents of Abused children is found under their "Get Help" menu. Scroll to the bottom for a link to Support Groups and a very extensive resources book list.

Opening the Circle: For Partners of CSA Survivors

Information Page for Family/Friends too

Be sure to navigate the left side menu for more resources, including a page for "Family and Friends". Bottom of this page has links to books, other websites.


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